In today's material, we will tell you about one of the most interesting confrontations in history Counter-STRIKE. No, this will not be a narrative about the events of a ten -year ago, the story is fresh and much more relevant. We will try to remember all meetings NIP And Verygames – two of the most titled teams in the game in CS: GO. Take a deep breath – we start diving!
The first confrontation, Spain
[Valencia, September 23, 2012] The first meeting of the two strongest commands of the world CS: Go scenes took place in Spain, on Dreamhack Valencia. Both teams were so much eager to fight each other that in the semifinals they smashed their opponents into chips. The owners of the championship X6Tens For two cards they took from Verygames only six rounds, and the Portuguese K1ck The Swedes have thirteen.
► Dreamhack Valencia 2013 – Confrontation number times.
The first final in history between NIP And Verygames I had to answer the question which of the teams would ask tone in the future development of the game. The winners will swim in the rays of the glory and love of the united game community, and the losers will go to lick wounds and prepare revenge.
We no longer remember who exactly chose de_nuke, but it was this card that became debut for their meetings. When you play in the final of the first major tournament in a new game, and even against a little -known opponent, you are unlikely to want to start for the attacking side.
This is phenomenal: The French team VeryGames was formed in 2008 and in four years managed to participate in forty-nine large Counter-Strike: Source tournaments. You know how many of them she won? Forty three!
You can disagree, but from a psychological point of view in Counter-STRIKE It is always easier to defend yourself than attack. Of course, there are cards on which terrorists are much stronger, but this is if you have already adapted at least a little.
Having won the “knives”, the Swedes joyfully switched to the side of the defense, and the five “SORRESERS” (the orphan players in Counter-Strike: Source ) There were terrorists. In an important pistol round, captain Verygames Belgian Kevin Drulanz (EX6Tenz) did not invent the wheel and ordered the team to quickly attack the top point.
► Cedric GUPO (RPK) – one of the most titled players in CS: S.
The synchronous exit through the booth and doors failed – Fifflaren , Friberg And Get_Right They shot the dumbfounded Frenchmen. The capture of the key first and fourth rounds added confidence to the Swedes, and they easily won the first half with a score of 12: 3. They could not afford to lose such an advantage and, after a few alternately taken rounds, won the first card with a score of 16:10.
Then a new de_train was chosen – a map that caused CS lovers wild horror, because the developers have changed it a lot, and not too well. If in CS 1.6 It was difficult for terrorists on de_train, then in CS: GO It has become ten times more complicated – at an open point they are now sheated from anywhere, and there is nowhere to hide on a closed.
► NIP's first serious trophy was obtained in Spain.
However, F0rest And the company was one of the first to learn how to attack it well and lost half with a minimal lag (7: 8). Such an account allowed the Swedes to feel comfortable on the CT side and without problems to get the remaining nine rounds. Triumph in Spain brought NIP 2500 euros, ticket to Dreamhack Winter And moral satisfaction. Romande Blood from the nose needed a victory, and they mined it!
The best players of the Dreamhack Valencia teams :
- NIP : Patrick Lindberg – 150 murders to 80 deaths (K/D 1.88)
- Verygames : Kenny Shrub (Kennys) – 144 murders to 90 deaths (K/D 1.60)
The second confrontation, France
[Paris, November 4, 2012] The Franco-Belgian detachment was not very upset due to the defeat on Dreamhack Valencia , After all, that tournament was seen by them as a general rehearsal in front of the home cup of the world ESWC 2012. Tournament as part of the exhibition Paris Game Week was much more prestigious than Valencia, and this was reflected both on the composition of the participants and the prize pool.
► ESWC 2012 – Confrontation number two.
Here the teams fought for twenty thousand euros, half of which were relied by the champion. We will not describe all the vicissitudes in detail, since we talked about ESWC 2012 In a separate material. Let us dwell only on the final.
If in Spain the heroes of our narrative jumped into the final on the move, then only Scandinavians easily and carelessly felt in Paris. The owners of the tournament and the main hope of the French team had to play three exhausting maps with unypted Americans Area51 (SGares, Hiko, Tck, Dazed, Semphis).
► VERYGAMS: “Gather guys, we play at home!"
All this was so exhausted Nathan Schmitta (NBK) and the company that on the first final map they showed, perhaps, the worst game in their lives. Starting on De_Dust2 for the attack, they crushed the first half with a score of 1:14. In that match, not a single workpiece worked for them.
With this first half, the second most often becomes a formality and all the thoughts of the teams are already about the next map. The only thing you managed to do Verygames In the game for protection, – to soak a little and get two more rounds (16: 3). Like in the Spanish tournament, the second map of the final was de_train.
► Record of the game on the second final card de_TRain
And again Verygames Weded it much better than the first card. However, after the first half (10: 5 in favor of NIP) there was no need to talk about the special achievements of the French. ESWC 2012 was the first tournament where we caught ourselves thinking that the best team in the world is Counter-Strike: Source experiences psychological difficulties. One or two given NIP The round is knocked out Verygames out of the rut, and they begin to lose everything in a row. Starting for the attack, EX6Tenz The comrades took the first three rounds, but then they gave as many as eleven in a row. The fifteenth round also had to go into the piggy bank of the Swedes, but Kennys I figured out the 1×3 situation and miraculously survived.
► Ninjas in Pyjamas Press on ESWC 2012
Changing the parties, the Swedes took the bull by the horns and quickly brought the score to 15: 9. However, when only one battle remained before gold medals, they allowed themselves to relax and almost paid. Verygames , Like a beast driven into a corner, she fought desperately for each round, but lost when an overtime loomed on the horizon.
The second consecutive Swedish championship could not be called random – we once again became convinced of force Ninjas in Pyjamas , And the French were again injured for their mistakes. The last test for strength in 2012 was to be Dreamhack Winter.
The best team players on ESWC 2012 :
- NIP : Christopher Alesynd (Get_right) – 169 murders to 103 deaths (K/D 1.64)
- Verygames : Kenny Shrub (Kennys) – 175 murders to 123 deaths (K/D 1.42)
Third confrontation, Sweden
[Yyoncheping, November 24, 2012] Having visited Verygames in early November, the Swedes hospitably invited the French to visit Dreamhack Winter. CS: GO tournament in the world of the world's largest cyber festival was one of the last in the outgoing year, and all the teams wanted to complete the year on the major note.
► Dreamhack Winter 2012 – Number three confrontation.
In Yyoncheping, old friends met for the third time in a row in the final, and here the advantage was already on the side of NIP. Not only that F0rest And the company won the previous two meetings, they also played before their native spectators. We had a little reason to believe in the final victory of VG.
Most experts put on NIP And it did not lose. If some struggle was still observed on the first map, then on de_inferno the game was like beating babies. Wise strategies EX6Tenz They did not work again, and representatives of the French CS: Go scenes took only one round for the attack.
► Captain Verygames Kevin Drulanz rejoices taken by the round round.
As a result, a crowded room of the cinema Dream Arena became a witness to the largest defeat Verygames In the history of CS: GO – with a humiliating score 16: 1. At the end of the tournament, fans reproached the French that you can’t play like that, you definitely need to change something. Felt this and Verygames themselves.
The best players of the Dreamhack Winter 2012 team :
- NIP : Christopher Alesynd (Get_right) – 191 murder by 116 deaths (K/D 1.65)
- Verygames : Cedric GUPO (RPK) – 194 murders to 116 deaths (K/D 1.67)
The fourth confrontation, Czech Republic
[[Bullet]] Prague Mindsports – Confrontation number four.[Prague, December 2, 2012] The last major championship last year was Prague AMD Sapphire CS: Go Invitational Within the framework Prague Mindsports Festival. It is notable for the fact that two Russian teams participated in it – Znation And Dat Team.
Ours performed in the Czech capital neither Shatko nor Valkko, but NIP And Verygames again made our way to the final, leaving no chance in the semifinals MyDGB. Net And Buykey respectively. The latter included the Belgian Adil Benrlite (Scream) , Previously speaking for Imaginary. It is he who will soon replace the old -timers in Verygames RPK.
But this will happen only in January 2013, and in the meantime, the French frantically fought with NIP in the final. The matches turned out to be difficult, because the Swedes are steadily playing 9 out of 10 under any circumstances. You can defeat them only by jumping above your head or almost avoiding mistakes. And the French made them pretty.
► How to ensure that you are noticed by Verygames? Something like this!
In the end Verygames For two cards they took twenty rounds, which, of course, was not enough for the championship. Having played in the Czech Republic, Cedric Gypo ( RPK ) hung a mouse on a nail, and took a vacant place in the composition Scream. It is with him Verygames and went to the next championship.
The best players of the AMD Sapphire CS: go invitational teams:
- NIP : Christopher Alesynd (Get_right) – 273 murders to 129 deaths (K/D 2.12)
- Verygames : Kenny Shrub (Kennys) – 241 murder by 171 deaths (K/D 1.42)
The fifth confrontation, Denmark
[Copenhagen, March 31, 2013] Three months later, both teams met in Denmark, where Copenhagen Games. Structurally, this tournament is similar to Dreamhack – In fact, this is a large Lan Party, in which they organize competitions in computer games.
► Copenhagen Games 2013 – Confrontation number five.
Despite the fact that Copenhagen Games are not as prestigious as Dreamhack , Danish tournament in CS: GO has gathered a stronger composition of participants. All leading teams of the world, even American ones, arrived for 33,000 euros ( Curse , Quantic Gaming ).
Copenhagen Games 2013 became the first championship in which NIP And Verygames They clashed earlier than the Grand Final. The draw brought the team already in the quarter-finals, and one of them was destined to go to the semifinals, and to someone to look for happiness in the wilds of the lower grid.
► Adil Benrlite (Scream) with his own person.
The first map de_inferno was in equal struggle, although Verygames They played a little weaker. A very important battle was won by the Swedes in the twenty -sixth round, when Verygames first stupidly gave two players for the “fifteen”, and then could not even install a bomb.
Failure painfully hit the economy of terrorists, and in the last round the French carriers had to be content with cheap weapons. Realizing that there was nothing to catch on the “fifteen”, the terrorists went to “twenty”, but instantly landed under cross fire XIZT ’A and F0rest ’A. Victory NIP with a score 16:11!
► a video about the NIP performance on Copenhagen Games 2013
Having lost the first card, the French remembered their old habit and rained down on the second. Their attacks on de_mirage would not be envied by elementary teams: a total of Verygames Only two rounds took the terrorists. Changing the sides, the upset French quickly blew the “gun”, and with it the next two rounds and went to look for happiness in the lower net.
Despite all the efforts, they failed to get to the final. Verygames, to their honor, before flying away, managed to send home the Swedes Epsilon and Americans Curse And Quantic , but in the semifinals of the Luzers lost Western Wolves. Well, of course, the champions began Ninjas in Pyjamas , Who would doubt ..
The best players of the teams on Copenhagen Games 2013:
- NIP : Patrick Lindberg – 348 murders by 163 deaths (K/D 2.13)
- Verygames : Eduard Duburdo – 288 murders to 200 deaths (K/D 1.44)
Sixth confrontation, Germany
[Köln, April 14, 2013] The teams did not have time to analyze past matches, because the finals of the spring season were already on the nose Raidcall Ems One. Recall that the organizer of this championship is the German league Electronic Sports League , better known as ESL.
► RAIDCall EMS One – Confrontation number six.
According to the results of regular online cups, eight best groups of Europe, and our heroes including them, made their way to the final part. The EMS One format did not provide group stages, and all groups immediately started with quarterfinals.
The Germans made up the tournament grid so that, having won their matches, the old acquaintances again hit each other in the semifinals. The Swedes and the French defeated K1ck And Anexis accordingly and again met face to face. NIP reached the winners again, and the meeting was held according to the old scenario: one card is tense, the second – “in the trash”.
This time the attack Verygames failed on the first map de_inferno, and again tricky tactics EX6Tenz They suffered a fiasco. Three insignificant rounds for terrorists are very, very few, especially against the northern shooters. The next card De_DUST2 was remembered by "swing", but won again and again NIP.
► get_Right (extreme on the left) is not very happy – probably, tired of victories and medals.
Verygames For the second time in a row they were left without medals, and F0rest And the company beat after a couple of hours Fnatic And they took another gold. Some kind of mysticism, by golly.
The best players of the teams on Raidcall EMS One:
- NIP : Christopher Alesynd (Get_right) – 127 murders to 69 deaths (K/D 1.84)
- Verygames : Kenny Shrub (Kennys) – 99 murders to 75 deaths (K/D 1.32)
Seventh confrontation, USA
[Dallas, April 21, 2013] And finally, the last Lan championary, in the framework of which NIP And Verygames fought for world domination. Finals of the thirteenth season Esea Invite Global League Gathered eight strongest teams: four represented America and four – old Europe.
► ESEA Invite 13 Global Finals – Confrontation number seven.
We did not have any special hopes for American groups and were waiting for the next Franco-Swedish final. Waited, despite the fact that NIP And Verygames again met in the semifinals and again the Swedes, damn it, prevailed! However, it is as difficult as in Dallas, the “ninja” victory has not yet been given.
The final results on de_nuke and de_mirage recorded the victory of the Swedes with the same score 16:14. Someone will say that, they say, this is a simple bad luck and the next time luck will certainly smile, but we do not agree. Already once Verygames were close to victory over NIP , And she all the time treacherously slipped away from them ..
Regular losses with a minimum score say that although the teams are approximately equal in strength, the Swedes are much stronger than the spirit. Several annoying defeats were imprinted on VeryGames players, and for some reason they manage to give even the seemingly won matches.
► Record of the game on the first semifinal card de_nuke
After the loss in the semifinals, the French had a great chance to take revenge, but they suddenly blew out the owners from Quantic Gaming. Well, the Americans, in turn, rejoicing in this achievement, did not break traditions and quickly leaked the finale Ninjas in Pyjamas. Swedes – another gold, and the French – another disorder.
The best players of the teams on Esea Invite Global 13:
- NIP : Christopher Alesynd (Get_right) – 176 murders to 106 deaths (K/D 1.66)
- Verygames : Nathan Schmitt (NBK) – 232 murders by 175 deaths (K/D 1.33)
* * *
Over the past ten months Verygames Played with NIP sixteen cards and all without exception blew. The vast majority of their meetings took place as part of large Lan championists with large prize-prize at stake. The teams played four finals and met a couple of times in the late stages. In all cases, the victory remained with the Scandinavians.
► upset Nathan Schmitt watches the next Ninjas in Pyjamas triumph.
Frankly, we have never met such a strong dominance of one team over another. Yes, we remember about matches Na’vi And MTW In 2010 – they also played in one gate there, but not sixteen cards in a row! We hope that in the near future the French will interrupt the prolonged series of failures and take off the curse of the “Swedish ninja”. We really hope.
Confrontation in numbers:
- Number of cards played: 16 (14 as part of the LAN tournaments)
- Number of victories: nip – 16; Verygames – 0
- The total amount of round rounds: NIP – 261 rounds; Verygames – 151 round
- Played cards: inferno – 5 times, train – 3 times, nuke – 3 times, duist2 – 3 times, mirage – 2 times
- Account 16:14 was recorded four times, once overtime was played (21:18)
- The most intense game: de_inferno in the framework of Raidcall Ems One Cup #3 (21:18)
- The easiest victory is NIP: de_inferno in the framework of Dreamhack Winter 2012 (16: 1)
Chronology of all matches NIP and VERYGAMES:
- 23.09.12. Dreamhack Valencia – 16:10 (nuke)
- 23.09.12. Dreamhack Valencia – 16:12 (Train)
- 04.11.12. ESWC 2012 – 16: 3 (DUST2)
- 04.11.12. ESWC 2012 – 16:14 (Train)
- 20.11.12. Thor Qualifier #6 – 16: 6 (Train)
- 24.11.12. Dreamhack Winter 2012 – 16: 9 (Dust2)
- 24.11.12. Dreamhack Winter 2012 – 16: 1 (Inferno)
- 02.12.12. AMD Sapphire Invitational – 16: 9 (Nuke)
- 02.12.12. AMD Sapphire Invitational – 16:11 (Inferno)
- 30.03.13. Copenhagen Games 2012 – 16:11 (Inferno)
- 30.03.13. Copenhagen Games 2012 – 16: 2 (Mirage)
- 14.04.13. Raidcall Ems One Finals – 16: 3 (Inferno)
- 14.04.13. Raidcall Ems One Finals – 16:14 (Dust2)
- 21.04.13. Esea Global Finals 13 – 16:14 (Nuke)
- 21.04.13. Esea Global Finals 13 – 16:14 (Mirage)
- 29.05.13. Raidcall Ems Cup #3 – 21:18 (Inferno)